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places and counting.
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Seattle, Washington
Seattle, Washington city streets:
NW 51st Street
Radford Drive Northeast
NW 52nd St
Rainier Avenue South
NW 52nd Street
Randolph Avenue
NW 53rd Street
Randolph Place
NW 55th Street
Ravenna Avenue Northeast
NW 59th Street
Ravenna Avenue Northeast
NW 60th Street
Ravenna Avenue Northeast
NW 61st Street
Ravenna Place Northeat
NW 62nd Street
Raye Street
NW 63rd Street
Renton Avenue South
NW 66th Street
Republican Street
NW 68th Street
Roosevelt Way Northeast
NW 69th Street
Rosemont Place W
NW 71st Street
Roy Street
NW 72nd Street
Royal Brougham
NW 72nd Street
Royal Brougham Way
NW 73rd Street
Russell Avenue NW
NW 74th Street
S Alaska St
NW 74th Street
S Angeline St
NW 75th Street
S Atlantic Street
NW 76th Street
S Bayview Street
NW 77th Street
S Brandon Street
NW 78th Street
S Cloverdale St.
NW 79th Street
S College Street
NW 81st Street
S Hill Street
NW 82nd Street
S Holgate Street
NW 83rd Street
S Horton Street
NW 84th Street
S Judkins Street
NW 86th Street
S Judkins Street
NW 87th Street
S Massachusetts Street
NW 88th Street
S Myrtle St.
NW 89th Street
S Plum Street
NW 90th Street
S State Street
NW 92nd Street
S Walden St.
NW 95th Street
S Walker Street
NW 97th Street
Sand Point Way Northeast
NW Ballard Way
Seaview Avenue Northwest
NW Canoe Place
Seneca Street
NW Central Place
Seward Park Avenue South
NW Dock Place
Shenandoah Drive East
NW Esplanade Street
Shilshole Avenue NW
NW Ione Place
Shoreland Drive South
NW Sloop Place
Smith Street
NW Vernon Place
South Alaska Street
Oberlin Avenue Northeast
South Albro Place
Occidental Avenue South
South Cloverdale Street
Ohio Avenue South
South Dearborn Street
Olive Way
South Genesee Street
Olympic Way W
South Graham Street
Orin Court N
South Grand Street
Oswego Place Northeast
South Holgate Street
Palatine Avenue North
South Hudson Street
Palm Avenue SW
South Jackson Street
Park Road Northeast
South Kenyon Street
Pasadena Place Northeast
South King Street
Pend Oreille Place Northeast
South Lane Street
Pend Oreille Road Northeast
South Main Street
Perkins Lane W
South McClellan Street
Phinney Avenue North
South Mount Baker Boulevard
Phinney Way North
South Nebraska Street
Piedmont Place W
South Orcas Street
Pike Place
South Vale Street
Pike Place Market
South Washington Street
Pike Street
South Weller Street
Pine Street
Southwest 104th Street
Pointius Avenue North
Southwest Admiral Way
Post Ave.
Southwest Alaska Street
Prefontaine Place South
Southwest Avalon Way
Princeton Avenue Northeast
Southwest Dawson St
Prosch Avenue W
Southwest Findlay Street
Prospect Street
Southwest Graham Street
Pullman Avenue Northeast
Southwest Holden Street
Purdue Avenue Northeast
Southwest Holly Street
Queen Anne Avenue North
Southwest Jacobsen Rd
Queen Anne Drive
Southwest Juneau Street